Kategori: Familj

  • Flytt

    Their new home Oskar & Ana made a double upgrade. First moved back to Sweden from their retarded life in London, and second, swapped their two-room apartment to a much bigger top floor duplex apartment. We found our way to them to assist and sniff in heir luxury new life.

  • Lunch på långa bryggan

    ’Mormor’ came down to see us and celebrate her birthday. We had a moment in time with all family members gathered over brunch on the pier in Bjärred.

  • Maiko

    10-29 July Ghana Ida & Tobbe went to see Maiko. She is there on a volunteer program for a couple of years and dedicated to the task to bring the fast living culture to the people who thinks tomorrow is just another day. She is looking forward to pay back with a visit to Sweden…

  • WSOP

    The WSOP main event in Las Vegas ended day 2 for Oskar. We expected him to bring home the big money for his parents’ retirement funds, but hell no :0 Well, life seems not only to about poker in LV – he certainly didn’t suffer in the pool with his friends. Check out his blog, Poker…

  • Midsommar

    Distance is no hurdle for genuine friends. Midsummer pulls us together since we once were young students. Eleonor and Anders told us they’re now moving further south, but not far enough. Only to Vadstena.

  • Silvåkra maraton

    Silvåkra marathon, one of her many projects. Ida decided to get ready for and run a marathon. Why not do it right from scratch and arrange one yourself. She and Tobbe had an open invitation that attracted runners, bicyclists and horse-back riders. A fantastic arrangement, extremely wet though, that we look forward to again next…

  • Wanås

    Maman, that’s not mama. ”Mama” leans a little airy against Louise Bourgeois’ giant spider at our visit to spectacular Wanås.

  • 30

    Oskar suddenly turned 30 (17 May). Just an other indication of how quickly life moves on. We had a family dinner to celebrate his step change(?), just a couple of hours after Berit returned from her trip to Athens.

  • Kinekulle

    23-24 March Kinekulle is a magnificent creation. We always thought Spring was ahead in Skåne, but when PK’s refreshingly young mother chased us on the mountain trail, we got lost in the beauty of the early blue anemones, for the first time this year.

  • Snö

    The snow came in. We rushed out to find a rough day but bravely fought the gusty winds and hail and heroically struggled to find ourselves eventually on top of the Billebjär mountain. No fear are the words …