Kategori: Lust

  • I&T

    Ida & Tobias marry. We were totally surprised when Ida called on their way out to Prague to say the lord mayor in Lund blessed them.

  • LTH

    Kajsa found what she’s been looking for. She loves LTH and the challenging program. I’m sure she will help make life better for many.

  • Midsommar

    23-26 June We hauled the pack all the way up to Lövåsen to spend the Midsummer with E&A in their new fantastic house on the slope of the mountain. We passed the usual Midsummer tests with dignity and focused on what nature provides…

  • A&O

    Ana and Oskar married 28 Jan 2006. An Iranian wedding filled with energy and joy. Far beyond traditional Swedish prudence.

  • Edsåsen

    1st week January 2006 We stayed in Tore’s house in Edsåsen, quiet and away from the Åre yuppies. Spent the week exploring the pists and tracks on many slopes. Ended up with a refreshing snowmobile ride at -20C, no wind, and clear blue sky.

  • Hönsen

    Ida & Tobbe’s family grows. Saffran asks: -am I the cock of the walk, or what are the five chickens doing here?

  • Luftballong

    PK finally made it. The adventure came to her and after a number of cancellations (due to weather conditions) she took off from Torna Hällestad together with Kajsa and Leif, and hit ground at sunset near Lackarlänga.

  • 80

    It’s an understatement to say she is vital and full of life. Ingegärd turned 80 and we all celebrated her in Tranberg, at a golf course of course.

  • Siltorp

    Ida and Tobias finally found their home Siltorp, a newly restored house in Silvåkra. Saffran is doing her best to keep the mice away.